
Looking Back - picture of former SJW President Edward Williams and a photo a Lake Williams

San Jose Water History: Past Meets Present

On a warm morning in June, Bruce Williams, the great-grandson of Edward Williams, who had been president of San Jose Water in the late 1800s, joined current SJW President Andy Gere to visit Bruce’s great-grandfather’s namesake: Williams Reservoir.

The beautiful and pristine reservoir was built when Edward was president of San Jose Water – thus its moniker.

Academy of Distinguished Engineers Logo next to portrait of Andy Gere

A Conversation with SJW’s Andy Gere

SJW President and COO Andy Gere was recently inducted into the University of Connecticut Academy of Distinguished Engineers alongside notable honorees such as a former economic and technology policy advisor in the Obama Administration and a retired senior executive at ExxonMobil. We had the opportunity to sit down with Andy to ask him a bit about his time at UConn and how it sparked his lifetime of dedication to the water utilities industry.

Celebrating 50 years of service: Joe Villagomez 1991 - 2021

Celebrating 50 Years of Service: José “Joe” Villagomez

On March 2, 2021, José “Joe” Villagomez celebrated 50 years of service at San Jose Water (SJW). As a Crewleader A in the Distribution Systems (DS) Department, Joe leads a crew of 3 every day to maintain the company’s water mains, valves and hydrants.